ND Votes announces 2020 General Election Voter Guide!

Author: NDVotes

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Notre Dame, Indiana: ND Votes, a student-lead nonpartisan voter education and mobilization campaign at the University of Notre Dame, announces the launch of the ND Votes General Election Voter Guide online to ensure that all students have the opportunity and resources to make their voices heard at the ballot box.

The ND Votes General Election Guide website allows members of the Notre Dame community to simply click on their home state and access resources to register to vote, request absentee ballots, and understand important deadlines. It is essential to provide and utilize information on absentee voting as the majority of Notre Dame students retain residence in their home states and must be able to vote for the leaders and policies that will influence their and their families lives for years to come.

We encourage all students, at Notre Dame and elsewhere, to send in registration and ballot applications as soon as possible and completed ballots at least two weeks in advance of the election to ensure that every vote is counted. It is the unique moment the country faces holding an important election in the middle of a global health pandemic while coming to terms with and responding to the calls for change on major issues surrounding race that spurred the team to create this resource guide.

“We believe it is our moral obligation to provide the entire community with a resource that helps ensure their vote is counted,” said ND Votes Co-Chairs Michael Marotta and Rachel Sabnani. “This is the most important election of our lifetime and the uniqueness of the

moment we face must be surpassed by the boldness of our actions.”The General Election Voter Guide is a push in a broader campaign of voter education and mobilization by ND Votes this year featuring members of the Notre Dame community such as former Irish Women’s Basketball Coach Muffet McGraw, Professor Christina Wolbrecht, and others.

ND Votes is supported by Notre Dame's Center for Social Concerns, Rooney Center for the Study of American Democracy, and Constitutional Studies Program. This nonpartisan, student-led effort offers opportunities to Notre Dame students and the broader community for voter education, registration, and mobilization. For further information, please contact ndvotes@nd.edu.