Claudia Francis

Associate Director for Undergraduate Programming and Center Advancement

Associate Director for Undergraduate Programming and Center Advancement
2040D Jenkins And Nanovic Halls
Notre Dame, IN 46556


Claudia Francis is the Rooney Center's Associate Director for Undergraduate Programming.  She manages our affiliated programs - the ND Washington Program and Hesburgh Program in Public Service.  She is passionate about experiential learning for undergraduates and through these programs helps students build important civic and professional skills. Both programs encourage students to have internships, and Claudia enjoys assisting students with their career discernment and internship searches. She received the Dockweiler Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Advising in 2021.

In Spring 2023, Claudia created the ND Democracy Talks series, which highlights key concepts for understanding democracy in an approachable and engaging discussion format. Undergraduate students who want to self-identify as "champions of democracy" can be part of our Hesburgh Democracy Fellows program.

Claudia also supports strategic planning for the Rooney Center. She received her Ph.D in Political Science from the University of Notre Dame in 2013.